Coronavirus Resources

A list of theological resources dealing with how the church should react to the Covid-19 outbreak.

'How the Early Church Handled Two Devastating Epidemics' - an Acts Today publication from Joel News ( provided by the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (
'Finding Strength in a Time of Pandemic' - a blog post from Ron Sider (
'On plagues, judgement, and the Book of Revelation' - a blog post from Ian Paul (
'Whether One May Flee From a Deadly Plague' - a letter by Martin Luther (requires you to sign up to Academia)
'Health and Hope: the Church in Mission and Unity' - a collection of articles on suffering and healing, mostly from the International Review of Mission, hosted by Wiley Online Library
'Covid-19 Resources' - a collection of resources from Tearfund (
Christian Literature Foundation in South Africa ( has produced five short articles:

The Oxford Handbook of Public Health Ethics (ed. Anna C. Mastroianni, Jeffrey P. Kahn, and Nancy E. Kass) published by OUP in 2019 and hosted by Oxford Handbooks (